
Friday, May 18, 2018

10 Weird Items Sell On Amazon

Individuals once in a while get some unusual things when they're shopping. However, while they can be super odd, a significant number of the items that individuals get on Amazon are in reality truly splendid — you should simply look past a thing's peculiarity and spotlight on how valuable it can be.

This new toy lets you pop fake pimples and it's disgustingly satisfying

Lonely? Bored? No longer, with Drinking Buddies! Sorry, couldn't resist. They are hunky, cute, and have the most adorable college-boy names printed clearly on each of their tushies. Hang them on your glass on ladies' night to distinguish your glass from your friends', or just for giggles. 

OK, so I ordered these, had a party, presented them to my closest friends while reading a poem that ended in "...and you can all eat my a**"..... So if you and/or your friends enjoy a little dark humor then these will be a hit. Mine was packaged fine and they were um... life-sized, I guess? Right about in between the size of a nickel and a quarter.

The dribbler actually holds quite a bit and it takes my wife a long time to pump enough breastmilk to fill it, so we usually just mix baby energy drink in to get it all the way filled. It lasts for hours though, so it's an absolute life saver when something happens that we can't take the little one to daycare.

This is a very awesome tail for the price. It is quality made with reinforced edges at the base of each side of the tail.

This actually looks like a real belly!! The coloring is perfect and it appears to be a pretty good quality bag. There's even a smaller zip pocket inside. Very useful - and hilarious! This is going to be the best gift I've ever given.

So this stuff is absolutely horrendous. Believe me, it is aptly named. So we are all aware of the comedic value of this, but I wanted to present a very practical use for all of you parents.

this mug is BIG and it is thick and heavy, it is great for a ton of laughs. Very happy I bought it

I asked my best friend what she wanted for Xmas and she said a boyfriend so I got her this guy... It was just a little gag gift but it made her laugh and it's cool that you can keep regrowing it!

Relaxing feeling of walking on freshly cut grass.
I wish that there was some way to keep dogs from wanting to poop in them though.

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